Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Carving!!

 So interested in carving his pumpkin. 

Brody helped daddy carve his pumpkin.  Brody picked out the cat by saying... Kitty cat... kitty cat!!!  So, daddy did just that!  Brody was more interested in the candle then anything else.  He stuck his hand in the pumpkin and said...HOT!!! 

 The finish product!!  Phillip was so excited to light the pumpkin as soon as it got dark.  Phillip looked out the window and said...buddy it's dark enough...lets light your pumpkin!!! 
We have the best neighbors.  Di Di and Dennis got Brody this pail for Halloween.  Thank you very much!!! :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday!!!! 
Today I'm thankful for the little boy in this picture.  Being a first time mom isn't easy. My biggest fear when Brody was a baby was SIDS.  As a mother I want to do everything I can to protect him, so I wouldn't allow anything in his bed.  Brody is now 17 months old and this far has only slept with a tiny blanket in his bed.  A blanket I said he would never have.  I'm pretty sure my exact words were....NOT MY KID.  Brody is going on a week with this blanket in his bed.  He really hasn't had much interest until this morning.  The temperature was down in the 40's last night so clearly Brody got cold.  I was so happy to see that he finally figured out the blanket.  I was worried he wouldn't be able to.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Seems like yesterday!!!

Mrs. Cheryl has a little baby at daycare who desperately needs a bouncy seat.  I told her that I had one she could borrow.  I really don't want to give away any of Brody's baby things just because you never know! :)  Phillip got it out last night, so I would remember to take to Cheryl's.  The first thing Brody did was sit in it.  He sat in the seat for about 5 minutes.  I couldn't help but tear up!  Brody sitting in this seat brought back so many memories.  It seems like yesterday when he would sit in that seat.  I'm so proud of the person Brody has become and can't wait watch him grow.  Maybe one day we will have another little one to put in that  seat!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Festivities

 The whole family went out to Uncle Bobby's for his annual Halloween Hayride!  all the kids had a great time.  Brody loved the hayride.  He loved seeing the cows...(Moooooo) and the ducks!!  We went on the hayride 3 times.  Uncle Bobby would take us around his entire property.  He would stop off at the hay bales for the kids to play.  Lisa and Daddy got up there to play with all the kids while I stayed down below to take pics! 

 Brody loved the water.  He could not go on the dock because we did not have a life jacket so he had to watch from the sideline.  He desperately wanted to touch the water!  He kept saying fishy fishy fishy!!! 

 Aunt Kelly (Brody's godmother) spending quality time together!  Brody loved the dogs! 
 Brody and daddy sitting at the pond!


 After we left Uncle Bobby's we headed straight to Deanna Rose.  We waited at the front for Candie, Kurt, Pam, Hunter, Bird, and Kenley.  I didn't get the best pictures because I forgot my camera at home, so I only got a few on my phone.  I know Candie took a lot! 
 There was so much to do at Deanna Rose.  The night started out by dancing on the stage to Ghostbusters.  Brody shook it just little bit!  We got to feed the goats.  Brody went down the slide all by himself!  We shot a marshmallow gun which was fun, and Brody got to go on another hayride!  Brody had so many FIRSTS!!!  He got to eat his first Marshmallow, he got his face painted for the first time, and he got to play Cake Walk for the first time!   Deanna Rose is a moment in my life I will never forget.  I hope to make this an annual tradiation. 

 Brody and I taking pics while the kids visited the fortune teller!!!! 
All the kids did great!  I'm so glad Candie called to invite us!!!  Thanks Candie!!! 

Friday, October 21, 2011


 Brody was so ready to play with Grandpa today that he got up at 4:30 am.  As you can see the anticipation really got to him on the ride over.  I know Brody and Grandpa will have a great day together!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Friday at the Zoo!!!!

Friday was the best EVER!!!!   Brody, Phillp, Lulu, Sarah, and I all went to the Zoo on Friday.  We got to the sea lions at the right time.  The sea lions were talking so much.  I guess Brody understood their language because Brody was talking back to them!!!  We were all cracking up!  He loved walking all by himself.  We let him walk most of the time.  He would run as fast as his little legs would take him.  Brody by far loved the Zebras.  I'm so happy we got the spend the entire day with Brody. 

 I thought Brody would be scared of the sheep...Nope!!  He was ready to get down so he could touch everyone of them!!! :)


Sunday was another fun day.  We started our morning by getting pictures with Candie.  We left Candie's and headed started for the pumpkin patch.  We spent almost all day at the Pumpkin Patch.  We did everything you could do at the pumpkin patch.  We left around 5:00. 

 Bennett really wanted to ride with Brody to the Pumpkin Patch. 
 Brody and Brooklyn dancing on the dance floor!!!  Too Cute!!!!

 Brody loves loves loves Judd!!  This is Brody snuggling up with Judd before the train ride!

 Brody picking out the best Pumpkin....NOT....Brody walking around saying "ball" picking up the pumpkin and throwing it!