Friday, August 1, 2014

Funny Friday

Brody, Gracy and I were on our way to Mrs. Sheryl's and he did not want to listen to the radio. I asked him what he wanted to talk about.  He said, "Let's talk about colors."  I asked him what his favorite color was.  He asked me to ask Gracy what her favorite color was I pretended to be Gracy and said, "my favorite color is purple."  Brody said his favorite colors are, orange, purple, purple, and blue.  (All the colors of the ninja turtles)  He then asked me what car was my favorite color.  We asked Gracy, and Brody said in his best Gracy voice, my favorite car is green.  Brody said his favorite was blue.  He also asked if he could drive a green truck at 15, if he would be a giant at 15, and if he would fit in the truck. (Giants don't fit in trucks)  He told me that Gracy asked if she could ride with Brody once we was 15.  I told him sure!  He asked me when I was going to be a kid, so we could drive me around!  (That made me tear up!)

Love all your stories bub!!!

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