Monday, May 16, 2011

Very Hungry Caterpillar 1st Birthday Party

How do I descibe the day....COLD!  I can't believe how cold Brody's first party was.  Last week we had heat advisories and Sunday we had 43 and cloudy!  All and all the day was a success.  The kids did not seem to mind the cold.  I think the adults felt a little different! 
 Aunt Lisa made an amazing cake!  Thank you Aunt Lisa for my first Caterpillar Cake!  I'm pretty sure the cake made the party!  It definitely made it worth coming to the party!
 The planning for the party was a very long process.  I made almost all the decorations.  I went overboard but I wouldn't have done it any other way!  The wind really blew the entire party so it wasn't exactly like I had planned! 
 This picture is hard to see.  I did a 12 month banner for Brody.  This was pictures from 0 months to 12 months!  I'm very proud of the banner.  I'm glad the lady I had ordered the banner from in April did not come through! :)

The cupcake ice cream cones were a hit!  Thank you Christie Smith!!!

 Very Hungry Caterpillar to Brody's very own smach caterpillar cake!!!  Thank you again Aunt Lisa!!!

 Brody took know time to dig in!  JHe went for the eyes first!!! 
 Then the body!!!
 Then it was a piece of cake after that!! HEHEEHE!!!
 I also made the Brody Banner for his highchair!! 
 People who attending the party, Mamoo, Papa, Lulu, Leslie, Scooby, Cody, Baylee, Nathan, Meme, Lekis, Brooklynn, Lisa, Casey, Cortnee, Grandma and Grandpa Cothren, Kevin , Brandy, Aunt Mary Ann, Aunt Kelly, Danielle, Peyton, Judd, Becky, Bennett, Brooklyn, Brad, Kelli, Gage, Adley, Paul, Kelly, William, Candie, Bird, and Kenley!  I hope I didn't miss anyone!!!
 Brody's Birthday present from Grandpa and Grandma Cothren.
Poor Brody was freezing!!!

 Brody was not in the mood for presents.  He opened the first ball and was gone! 
 Brody's birthday shirt that we only saw for a second! 

We want to thank everyone who came out for the party.  Brody loved all of his gifts!  Brody got to play with all the gifts once we got home...after he took a long long nap!  Not one gift was more special then the next however; he did love the slide!!  Thanks to Aunt Candie!!  Special thanks to Aunt Lisa for the cake!

 Brody finally enjoying his cake in the warmth! 

Mommy and daddy love you very much.  Words can not decribe how proud we are of you.  I know you would've been the best boy had it not been so cold.  We are so happy you had a great time at your birthday party.  I promise the next party will be inside! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of fun!!! I want one of those Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes!!! YUM! Oh and some cake! LOL JK
