Monday, February 28, 2011

Biggest weekend so far!

The weekend started off Friday night with no pacifier.  I thought this weekend was a great weekend to try to get rid of the pacifier.  I didn't realize how easy it really was.  (Thus far) 

Brody woke up Saturday morning and we played until it was time for daddy to leave for his ball tournament.  Brody and I hung out at my moms most of the night.  We ran a few errands Saturday night.  My dad and sister said they would keep an eye on Brody.  I was only gone for maybe 10 minutes when I got a call from my dad that said..Brody walked down the hallway.  My dad likes to joke around a lot so I knew he was pulling my leg.  Lisa got on the phone and said you better check your phone I just sent you a video.  She told me to hurry up because she sent the same video to Phillip.  I looked down at my phone and it said DADDY!!! Oh crap...He's already calling about the video.  I answered the phone and all he said was Really...I told him not to get excited.  I also miss Brody walking down the hallway.  He was so upset that he missed it!  I couldn't believe I missed it either! 

Saturday night was a long night for me.  Phillip was out of town.  I was going to stay the night at my moms but decided that I was a big girl now and that I could stay home alone with Brody.  Leslie came up to the house to make sure I made it in ok.  Caroyln came up a little later to watch a little TV.  Brody went to bed at 8:30 and I went to bed shortly after that.  My ringer was down but laying right next to my head.  I made sure I had it right next to me because I knew Phillip would be calling.  I woke up to the dogs barking.  I started to panic.  I jumped out of bed.  I heard a knocking at the door.  I reached for my phone that was ringing and saw that it was my mom.  My mom said don't panic it's just dad knocking at the door.  She asked me if I was ok.  I said yes I'm fine.  I'm sleeping.  She told me that Phillip had been trying to get a hold of me for over an hour.  I got off the phone with my mom and called Phillip immediately.  Phillip knows how nervous I am to stay at home alone.  Let's just say that after talking to Phillip in between games I could not go back to sleep.  We talked again at 4:00 am and again at 6:00.  He finally got home around 7:30.  I was so happy to have him back home!  

Brody woke up Sunday morning again with no Pacifier and now he had his 2nd tooth!!!   That means Brody took 10 steps, got his 2nd tooth, and got rid of his pacifier all in one weekend.  Brody is such a trooper!  I'm not sure how long the pacifier will last especially since we are going out of town!  We will keep our fingers crossed that he does awesome!

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